Comme moi vous avez déjà fini le mode Arcade en mode Moyen ou plus avec Yun et Yang tout au moins une 15aine de fois sans pouvoir débloquer de succès ? Vous mettiez un doute sur la traduction ? Et bien c'est désormais possible de confirmer vos soupçons.
samedi 10 septembre 2011
mardi 6 septembre 2011
四日前でスーパーストリートファイターアーケードエヂションの更新があった。それは私に通信があった問題もアーケードスティックがあった問題も直された。別々にどちらの問題は多いの人が突き当たった 。
vendredi 5 août 2011

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un tableau récapitulatif des conditions nécessaires pour rencontrer les bosses en mode arcade sur Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition.
Gouki | Evil Ryu | Gouken | Oni | |
Ne pas perdre un seul round | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
Au moins un perfect | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
Infliger un super ou une ultra à Seth | ○ | ○ | ||
10 First Attacks | ○ | ○ | ||
5 Super ou ultra finishes | ○ | ○ |
Je trouve ça plus visuel et donc plus simple à comprendre. En fait la réponse apparait d'un simple regard.

Here is a table that shows how to meet bosses in Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition.
Gouki | Evil Ryu | Gouken | Oni | |
Do not lose any round | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
At least one perfect win | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
Inflict a super or ultra to Seth | ○ | ○ | ||
10 First Attacks | ○ | ○ | ||
5 Super or ultra finishes | ○ | ○ |
I feel it is more visual and so easier to understand. Actually a quick look is enough to give you the answer.

豪鬼 | 殺意隆 | 剛拳 | 鬼 | |
一ラウンドでも負けないで | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
一回パーフェクトでラウンドを勝って | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
セスにスパコンやウルコンやって | ○ | ○ | ||
ファーストアタック十回 | ○ | ○ | ||
スパコンやウルコンフィニッシュ五回 | ○ | ○ |

lundi 11 juillet 2011
In the previous version of SFIV for PC there were a few options to modify the interface language.
I remember having asked about language selection in the SSFIV Japanese blog a while ago. I was thinking about a setting in the options but so far I didn't see anything. I was looking for a method to change the language as it obviously wasn't session locale dependent but on the language which have been chosen at installation. Anyway the new method for changing the game language is much simpler, faster and convenient. It is defined in the registry and all you have to do is modify a String value.. It seems its location depends on your system architecture according to KrossSPOT who is a member of the Game.FAQS Forum. As soon as I knew this, I wished to write a script and I hope it may become handy to you.
With that provided information I coded a script that changes that specific keys. I have tested it on my 64 bit edition of Windows 7 so I needed privilege. Indeed the script tries to modify a registry key so you may need the privilege too.
By default you cannot launch a script in administrator mode from context menu. I found you a page who explains how to add or remove this option on VBS files so you can take advantage of my script easily.
In the idea to prevent dead links I care to copy the source of these registry files here.
Add the "Open as administrator" context menu option registry script :
Remove the "Open as administrator" context menu option registry script :
This is what it looks like after you apply the registry file (very convenient sometimes) :
This will give you some system information by the way after what you will be displayed a dialog which prompts you for a valid locale number, some values are displayed and if you want a complete list please refer to Microsoft website. You should also checkout if the destination language you would like to display is installed in the SSFIVAE directory but the main values are displayed on the dialog.
I show you a few sample screen-shots of the result.
You can download the script on Megaupload and the code is displayed bellow :
- Renaming folders to swap your current language folder name with the desired one.
- Change your Windows session locale.
I remember having asked about language selection in the SSFIV Japanese blog a while ago. I was thinking about a setting in the options but so far I didn't see anything. I was looking for a method to change the language as it obviously wasn't session locale dependent but on the language which have been chosen at installation. Anyway the new method for changing the game language is much simpler, faster and convenient. It is defined in the registry and all you have to do is modify a String value.. It seems its location depends on your system architecture according to KrossSPOT who is a member of the Game.FAQS Forum. As soon as I knew this, I wished to write a script and I hope it may become handy to you.
With that provided information I coded a script that changes that specific keys. I have tested it on my 64 bit edition of Windows 7 so I needed privilege. Indeed the script tries to modify a registry key so you may need the privilege too.
By default you cannot launch a script in administrator mode from context menu. I found you a page who explains how to add or remove this option on VBS files so you can take advantage of my script easily.
In the idea to prevent dead links I care to copy the source of these registry files here.
Add the "Open as administrator" context menu option registry script :
Remove the "Open as administrator" context menu option registry script :
This is what it looks like after you apply the registry file (very convenient sometimes) :
This will give you some system information by the way after what you will be displayed a dialog which prompts you for a valid locale number, some values are displayed and if you want a complete list please refer to Microsoft website. You should also checkout if the destination language you would like to display is installed in the SSFIVAE directory but the main values are displayed on the dialog.
I show you a few sample screen-shots of the result.
You can download the script on Megaupload and the code is displayed bellow :
samedi 28 mai 2011
Ça y est c'est officiel le PSN japonais sera rétablie demain pour les japonais (En fait on est déjà demain par rapport à l’Europe et il est bientôt 1h du matin). Je n'ai pas encore lu le communiqué en détail mais il apparaît ce qui suit :
Rétablissement du PSN japonais et la zone Asie pour le 28 mai 2011.
Il y aura 5 titres proposés pour la PS3
Voilà, c'est tout pour le moment vu que j'ai juste cherché l'info brute, à savoir la date de rétablissement du PSN Japon/Asie et les titres proposés, et non pas lu le communiqué dans son ensemble (exercice qui me demanderait encore pas mal d'efforts ^^).
Source: Sony Japan
Rétablissement du PSN japonais et la zone Asie pour le 28 mai 2011.
Il y aura 5 titres proposés pour la PS3
▽“PlayStation 3”フォーマット
下記5タイトルから2タイトルをお選びいただけます。 (2 parmi les 5 titres ci-dessous)
・The Last Guy
・おいでよロコロコ!! BuuBuu Cocoreccho! (Oide yo RokoRoko !! Connaît pas)
・無限回廊 -序曲- (Mugen Kairou - Jogyoku - Connaît pas. Semble correspondre à un titre du nom d'Echochrome)
・WipEout HD
・ハスラーキング (Hutler King - connaît pas non plus mais ça semble être des jeux de casino)
下記5タイトルから2タイトルをお選びいただけます。(Idem 2 parmi 5)
・勇者のくせになまいきだ (Yuusha no kuse ni namaiki da -Vite fait une sorte de Boulder Dash)or 2 PSP the Best
・みんなのスッキリ (Minna no sukkiri)
・パタポン 2 ドンチャカ♪ (Patapon 2 Don Chaka) PSP the Best
・リトルビッグプラネット ポータブル (Little Big Planet Portable)
・LocoRoco -Midnight Carnival-
Voilà, c'est tout pour le moment vu que j'ai juste cherché l'info brute, à savoir la date de rétablissement du PSN Japon/Asie et les titres proposés, et non pas lu le communiqué dans son ensemble (exercice qui me demanderait encore pas mal d'efforts ^^).
Source: Sony Japan
vendredi 1 avril 2011

dimanche 13 mars 2011
VLSM (Variable Length Subnetting Mask) et Supernetting
- IPv4 et ses classes d'adresses
- Subnetting avec CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
vendredi 18 février 2011
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